Massage Therapy and Muscle Soreness: Evidence and Insights From Your Langford Massage Therapist

Your Langford Massage Therapist Unpacks Massage And Muscle Soreness

Muscle soreness is a common issue for athletes and individuals engaged in physical activities. Many people believe that registered massage therapy can help alleviate muscle soreness, but understanding the evidence behind this claim is crucial. A small, industry-backed study explores the impact of massage therapy on muscle soreness. Today, let's dive a little deeper into that study, as there are many more that can be critiqued and learned from. At Symmetry Wellness in Langford, we aim to provide evidence-based massage therapy to help you recover and feel your best. Struggling with recovery? Book your appointment Here.

Understanding Muscle Soreness

Muscle soreness, often referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), typically occurs after intense physical activity. It can cause discomfort, stiffness, and reduced muscle function. Many people seek massage therapy to relieve these symptoms and improve recovery.

The Study on Massage Therapy and Muscle Soreness

A study published in the Journal of Athletic Training investigated the effects of massage therapy on muscle soreness. The study found that participants who received massage therapy reported reduced muscle soreness compared to those who did not. However, it's important to note that this was a very small, industry-backed study, which may limit the generalizability of the results. Link to study.

Common Beliefs About Massage Therapy and Muscle Soreness

Reducing Inflammation

One common belief is that massage therapy helps reduce inflammation in sore muscles. While some studies suggest that massage can lower inflammatory markers, the evidence is still inconclusive. Personally, I’m skeptical of this claim; however, many clients report feeling less inflammation and discomfort after a massage session, and that’s what is important.

Improving Blood Circulation

Another widely held belief is that massage improves blood circulation, which helps flush out metabolic waste products from muscles. Improved circulation may aid in faster recovery and reduced soreness.

Providing Relaxation and Pain Relief

Massage therapy is known for its relaxing effects, which can help alleviate pain and discomfort associated with muscle soreness. By promoting relaxation, massage therapy can reduce muscle tension and improve overall well-being.

How Massage Therapy Helps with Muscle Soreness

Downregulating the Nervous System

Massage therapy helps downregulate the nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing pain perception. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing muscle soreness. In my opinion, this is the mechanism that massage therapy will have on muscle soreness.

Benefits of Massage Therapy for Muscle Soreness

Alleviating Pain and Discomfort

Massage therapy reduces pain and discomfort associated with muscle soreness by targeting the affected muscles and promoting relaxation. Regular sessions can help manage soreness and prevent it from recurring.

Speeding Up Recovery

By decreasing discomfort and promoting relaxation, you can rest and recover better. The scientific literature is clear, and the best way to improve recovery is plain and simple. Rest, rest, rest!


While the evidence supporting massage therapy's benefits for muscle soreness is promising, it's essential to consider the limitations of existing studies and the specific mechanisms by which massage therapy actually helps. Your experience and what you find beneficial is really the most important factor. Curious if massage therapy can help you recover? Book a massage therapy appointment in Langford and experience it for yourself. Click Here To Book!


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