Massage Therapy: Is Deeper Pressure Better?

Deep Pressure Massage Therapy

When it comes to registered massage therapy, a common belief is that deeper pressure is always better. However, this isn't necessarily true. At Symmetry Wellness in Langford, we emphasize the importance of finding the right pressure to help leverage your nervous system and get the best results from your massage therapy appointment. If you need a massage therapy appointment in Langford, click here to book now.

The Myth of Deeper Pressure Massage Therapy

While deep-pressure massage can be beneficial for some, it's not always the best option for everyone. Excessive pressure can sometimes cause discomfort, making it difficult for people to relax. We want to help promote down-regulation of your nervous system, not up-regulation. Think of this: if you have an area where you are experiencing discomfort or pain, we want to make that area feel better. If we use too much pressure and sensitize the area, that's not going to be beneficial.

What If I Like Deep Pressure

If you enjoy a massage with a lot of pressure, that's OK. What is important is not getting caught up in the "pain is gain" mindset if you're trying to recover from a recent injury. That age-old, though, has been disproven many times by numerous reputable studies. It can also lead to central sensitization, preventing and prolonging your recovery. If you find yourself counting down the minutes until your session is over, the pressure might be too intense.

When Is Pain Ok?

If there are very brief moments of "therapeutic intensity" during your massage therapy appointment, that is OK. The key thing here is that it shouldn't last longer than approximately a minute. In terms of something you can compare that therapeutic intensity with, think of a very intense stretch. It's not too painful, but the thought of being in that intense end range for longer than a minute or two will be too much.

Personal Preference Matters

The most crucial factor in massage therapy is your enjoyment of the pressure. Your perception of effective treatment pressure plays a vital role in the overall effectiveness of the session. Communicating with your therapist about what feels good and what doesn't is essential.


In conclusion, deeper pressure is not always better in massage therapy. The key to effective treatment is finding the proper pressure that allows you to relax and enjoy the session. If you have any questions please reach out, click here for my contact information.


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